The following officers to comprise the Executive Board:
President, Director of Public Relations, Director of Business Development,
and Treasurer.
No person may hold more than two (2) officer positions concurrently and no
officer shall cast more than one vote in Executive Board voting, regardless
of the number of offices held. The Executive Board does not cast votes in
league wide voting although officers may vote as representatives of their teams.

Each board member will have one (1) vote. A Quorum must be maintained for all votes. A quorum is
a simple majority of all NEFSL Board members.

The Executive Board shall be empowered to conduct the business of the NEFSL (including
governing and administering the league). It may not authorize assumption of liability.
The Executive Board may set fees and administer and enforce fines and penalties for
infractions of the then current NEFSL By-Laws and FIFA Laws of the Game.

Upon the resignation of an officer prior to completion of term, the Executive Board may
appoint an interim officer until the next Annual Meeting.

Officers shall perform the following duties and receive a reimbursement of expenses
not to exceed One Hundred Sixty dollars ($160) per week only if league finances allow
the league to maintain a contigency of funds for one additional season than the current season.

1. Chair the Executive Board
2. Preside over all meetings
3. Act as official representative to all external organizations
4. Cast a vote to break a tie
5. Assume duties delegated by the Executive Board
Director of Public Relations
1. Maintain all internet technolgies (website and social media).
2. Preside over appeals and disciplinary committees
3. Act as new team coordinator
Director of Business Development
1. Coordinate game schedules for NEFSL and Cup play
2. Preside over all votes at meetings
3. Initiate all communications to members
4. Manage disciplinary investigations and hearings
4. Manage sponsorship implementation.
1. Maintain appropriate financial records and reports for the NEFSL
2. Collect and disburse NEFSL funds as authorized
Referee/Game Coordinator
1. Maintain all intra league records including weekly league tables
2. Manage rosters and game reports from teams and officials
3. Coordinate all referees and matchday field equipment.

The Hearings Committee will resolve protests and disputes that arise through NEFSL activity
(NEFSL Activity shall be determined to be any activity that occurs from the moment the first
player arrives at the match facility until the last player leaves the match facility). The
decisions of the Hearings Committee are final, subject to a petitioner’s right to appeal as
described herein.
The Hearings Committee shall be comprised of any three unaffected Executive Board
Members. The Board shall record and document the actions of the Hearings Committee. If
a Hearings Committee member has a vested interest in the outcome of the protest, that
member will be disqualified from participating ruling on that protest. Reasons for
disqualification may include association with one of the teams or players involved in the
protest, or association with a team that could benefit from the ruling in league standing or in
some other way.

All NEFSL meetings shall be held at times and locations designated by the Executive Board.
The Annual Meeting of the voting constituency of the NEFSL shall be held prior to the start of
the spring portion of the season. The order of business shall be as follows:
1. Roll call of members
2. Unfinished business
3. Reports of officers
4. Financial statement
5. Committee Reports: Protest, New Teams, Division Protest, Fields
6. Election of Officers
7. Amendments of by-laws
8. New business
9. Adjournment
Attendance at the Annual Meeting is mandatory. Other NEFSL meetings may be called and be

Special Meetings may be called by a majority of the Executive Board, or by a majority of the
constituency. The order of business shall be as follows:
1. Roll call of members
2. Declaration of need for meeting
3. Discussion
4. Adjournment

Any meeting which may be required of the Executive Board or Hearings Committee may be
conducted by conference call. As long as the respective members of the Executive Committee
or Hearings Committee are present telephonically, any action taken during such meeting shall
be deemed valid.


Before entering into any material written agreement or contract with a third party the
Executive Board will supply a copy to all members and receive approval by a majority of the

The amendment of these by-laws may only be done at the Annual meeting with the approval
of a simple majority of the membership if a quorum is present.



This League is divided into divisions based on point standings within the NEFSL. Each division
is coordinated by the Referee/Game Coordinator.

Any team entering the League will be placed in the lowest division.

Point standings will be based on:
WIN = 3 points
TIE = 1 point
LOSS = 0 points
A forfeit will be recorded as a 3-0 score, with three points awarded to the winner and two points deducted
from the forfeiting team.
Totals for the regular season games will determine the standings. In the event of a tie, the following will
be used to determine the rank:
1. head to head competition between the tied teams
2. goal differential for the tied teams in league play
3. goal differential for the tied teams in head to head play
4. goals scored during league play

In order to ensure competitive soccer, the Executive Board will establish procedures for promotion of the
top team or teams in each division and the relegation of the bottom team or teams. These procedures will
be agreed upon by a simple majority vote at least two weeks prior to the scheduled start of the season.
The following items also apply:
a) Any team may decline promotion once; a consecutive finish results in a mandatory promotion. In the event a
team declines promotion the placement would then be offered to each subsequent team in order of their

Each season will be divided into two halves with a one to two week break in between each half.
Games shall be played on Sundays beginning between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm
The deadline for field assignment is two (2) weeks prior to the start of each half season.

A Cup competition is scheduled for the entire NEFSL at the Annual Meeting and will be played during the
season. Rules for Cup games will be the same as regular NEFSL matches except in cases of a tie. In this case,
two (2) fifteen minute overtime periods will be played with the FIFA Golden Goal rule in effect. If no goal is
scored during overtime, each team will take five (5) penalty shots. If the score is still tied, teams will take
alternate sudden death penalty shots until a winner is determined. Loss of a game results in elimination from
the Cup competition.

Teams applying for admittance will be reviewed by the Executive Board and rejected/recommended to
the constituency. Unless opposed, admission will be granted based on available openings and agreement by the
team to abide by NEFSL By-Laws.
Each team must designate a team owner and a team manager. The team owner has financial responsibility and
can keep the team name and current standing of the team, or do as he/she wishes with the name, as long as
the team is in good financial standing with the League.

Rosters will be set at a maximum of thirty (20) active players. All players must be registered prior to
participating in League play. Players cannot be registered with more than one team at the same time. All
players must be at least 30 years of age. There is no minimum or maximum number of males or females
required on each team. Team composition is entirely the right of each individual team to determine.
Each team will be allowed two (2) players at least 25 years of age.

Additions to the Roster:
Additions to a team’s NEFSL Roster will be handled through the website. To add a player, the team manager
must enter the player’s information via the appropriate section of the website and provide a valid FLORIDA
Soccer registration number for the player. A player is not authorized to play until confirmed by the NEFSL.
Once confirmed, the player’s name will appear on the team’s official NEFSL Game Roster .
A player who transfers between teams may not be transferred again to any team until two games have been
played by both the old and the new teams. A player who appears on the roster for a Cup game for one team is
ineligible to play in the Cup for any other team during that year. No players can be transferred after Week 6 of
the Fall season.

Any team resigning from the League prior to the end of the season shall forfeit all games, points, and fees.
Points for a team completing the first half of the season prior to resigning will be maintained in the standings.
If a team resigns prior to completing either half season the games for that half season will be nullified and no
points will be awarded. If a team resigns from the League within three weeks of the start of a half season or
during a half season, its NEFSL registered players are not eligible to play on another team in the League during
that half season without approval by the Executive Board.

All teams in the League agree to abide by these by-laws
1 Infractions
Infractions of NEFSL By-Laws or FIFA Laws of the Game will be subject to disciplinary action as recommended
by the Hearings Committee.
2 Needs of the League
Failure of a team or team member to meet the needs of the NEFSL (as determined by the Executive Board) may
result in disciplinary action by the Executive Board. Continued non-compliance shall make the team or team
member subject to further disciplinary action by the Executive Board, at its sole discretion, including, but not
limited to: team or team member suspension, team fines, team point deduction, additional team red cards,
team or team member probationary periods, or the expulsion of the team or team member from the NEFSL.
The constituency acknowledges and understands that certain situations may arise where the Executive Board is
required to take immediate action to protect the interests of the NEFSL and its members. The constituency
agrees to abide by the rulings of the Executive Board (subject to the appeals provisions defined herein).


League administration costs will be set and confirmed by the constituency at the Annual Meeting. Appropriate
team registration fees will be confirmed and paid by a deadline to be set by the Treasurer.
Teams failing to pay full fees and all accumulated
fines, including failure to report score fines, will forfeit all games until the fees and fines are paid in full. This
provision does not supersede Rule 2.2.2 regarding the referee forfeiture bond, that requires any use of this
bond to be repaid within two weeks of the forfeited game, where failure to comply will result in forfeiting of
all games until the bond is replenished.

A forfeiture bond totaling referee fees for both teams for one game, and a forfeit fee of a first game will be
paid by each team and held in escrow for referee payment should the team default and forfeit a game. Any use
of this bond must be replenished by the forfeiting team within 2 weeks of the forfeit. Failure to comply will
result in forfeiting of all games until the bond is replenished.

Cost of affiliation will be confirmed at the Annual Meeting. This cost will be broken down into cost of insurance
and registration per team and cost of registration per player.

The referee fee is set and confirmed by the constituency at the Annual Meeting.


It is the responsibility of the home team manager to confirm (by phone or email) the time and location of the
game with the opposing manager at least seventy two (72) hours prior to the game.

Teams may play on any FIFA approved surface. The field shall be a minimum of 100 yards in length with a width
of not less than 60 yards. Minimum acceptable field markings will be side and goal lines, mid-field line, and
penalty areas. Minimum field equipment will be goals and goal nets. The home team must provide two game
balls of NEFSL standard or higher.
Field Safety
All managers should determine the safety of the field before the game and should take into consideration the
following factors: crowd control, police presence, if necessary, and condition of the field playing surface. Any
manager who has a concern about the personal safety of his or her team has the right to request of the
opposing team’s manager to re-schedule the game at another time and/or field. If at any time during the game,
an unsafe situation arises, a manager may request of the referee (whose decision is binding) and opposing
manager to halt the game and finish play at another agreed upon time. It is ultimately the responsibility of the
home team manager to assure the safety of the field/playing surface.
Field Location
In order to maintain the geographic integrity of the league, no NEFSL team may schedule a home game at a
field located greater than 60 minutes driving distance (as determined by Google Maps under ideal traffic

Uniforms shall consist of uniform shirts of matching color with unique permanent numbers on the back. Shorts
and socks, while not required to match exactly, should not create confusion as to which team the player is on.
Teams should make an effort to coordinate shirt color in advance of the match. In the event of opposing teams
having the same color shirt, it is the responsibility of the visiting team to change shirts. Players shall be
allowed to wear spandex or other non-dangerous supporting material during BSSL games. All players are
required to wear shin guards and appropriate footwear.
Alternate Shirt
Each team is required to own two (2) complete sets of distinctly colored uniform shirts. This will enable them
to change shirts if their primary color conflicts with that of the home team. If the visiting team’s shirt color
conflicts with the primary color of the home team, the visiting team does not have an alternate set of shirts to
change into, and no arrangement was made beforehand with the home team, then forfeit rules of section 2.3.9
will apply.

FIFTEEN (15) MINUTES PRIOR to kickoff, each manager will provide the referee and opposing team with an
official printed NEFSL Game Roster for their respective teams. Game Rosters are printed from the NEFSL
website and list the first name, last name, shirt number, date of birth, and FSSL Soccer registration number of
every player authorized by the League to play for that team. The Game Roster must be presented to the
referee exactly as supplied by the League and WITHOUT ALTERATION to any of the players’ names. However,
alternative shirt numbers may be written on the Game Roster if necessary. Prior to the start of the game, each
player listed on the Game Roster must also produce a valid FSSL Soccer ID card with which the referee can
confirm their identity.
Use of Ineligible Players
Any player who does not appear on the official printed Game Roster, or who cannot present a NEFSL Soccer ID
card prior to entering the game, or who is currently under suspension by the League is considered INELIGIBLE.
Any team found using an ineligible player will be penalized with the following guidelines:
If player is registered player in the NEFSL, but is not on the game day roster then the team will forfeit the
If the player is not registered in the NEFSL and is not on the game day roster then the team will forfeit the
game and 10 points.
If an unregistered player attempts to use a card that is not their own, then the team will forfeit the game and
10 points, plus the player whose card was used would be suspended for 5 games.
If an already suspended player plays in a game, then the team will forfeit the game and lose 6 points and the
suspension of the already suspended player will be lengthened by 5 games.
The team will also be assessed a $200 fine.
Any situations under the guidelines will be discussed by the Executive Board to determine the best course of
action according to bylaw Needs of the League.
Use of an Unofficial Game Roster
Any team which attempts to use a game roster other than the official printed NEFSL Game Roster as defined in
Rule (Game Rosters and Player IDs) will forfeit the game and be fined $50. Repeated offenses are subject to an
Executive Board hearing which may result in additional fines and/or point deductions as deemed appropriate by
the Executive Board, in their sole discretion.

Referee Fee
The game fee is $70 for the referee and $40 for each of the two assistant referees, totaling $150.
Referee Notification
It is each team’s responsibility to communicate any forfeit with the referee assignor no less than seventy-two
(72) hours before the game. Failure to do so will result in fines equal to the cost referees assigned to team’s match.
Protests of a Referee Fee Payment
Protests concerning payment of a referee’s fee are to be submitted to the Hearings Committee for resolution.

If the referee declares the field unplayable (for any reason other than those described) BEFORE the game
starts, the game is considered to be cancelled and must be rescheduled by the team managers for a later date.
(Rescheduling a Cancelled or Abandoned Game).
If the game is cancelled by the referee before the start due to an unplayable field, the referee and the
assistant referees (if present) are entitled to half of their normal fee, paid by both teams. However, the
referee may not cancel a game more than fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled start time and must ensure
that both team managers are aware of the decision.
In cases where games are cancelled ahead of time because of field closure, it is the home team’s responsibility
to notify the referee, assistant referees, and Referee Assignor a minimum of two hours before the scheduled
start time. Referees and assistant referees who arrive at the field because they were not informed of a
cancellation are entitled to receive half of their normal fee, paid by the home team.
The notification mentioned above must be via one of the following methods:
1. Email as long as there is a return email confirming that the cancellation notice was received and/or
2. A phone call, preferably talking to the other person or having them return your call to confirm that they
received the cancellation notice.
Abandoned Games
A game is considered to be abandoned when halted by the referee after kickoff due the condition of the playing
field or its surroundings, or due to weather conditions.
Any red cards awarded in a game which is subsequently abandoned will stand.
If the referee abandons the game before the start of the second half, the game must be rescheduled and
replayed as if it had never started.
If the referee abandons the game after the second half has commenced, the remaining portion of the game
must be rescheduled and played to completion at a later date. The rescheduled portion of the game
commences with the score as it was at the point of abandonment. Only players who were eligible to play in the
abandoned game may play in the rescheduled portion.

Rescheduling of a game presents particular problems and should only be done with good reason. A lack of
players on game day is not an acceptable reason to reschedule a game. All rescheduled games must be
rescheduled within fourteen (14) days of the originally scheduled match (this includes notification to the
respective Division Director of the rescheduled date, time and location of the match which will result in
assignment of officials) and must be played before the end of the half-season in which the original game was
scheduled. If a match is not rescheduled within the fourteen day period described above, the NEFSL will assign
a date on which the home team must provide a field for the game to be played. If within another seven (7) days
the home team cannot confirm a field and time, the NEFSL will unilaterally and in its sole discretion establish a
time and location for the match on the first Saturday following the end of the respective half season the match
is in. The NEFSL will secure a field for the match and the home team shall be responsible for the field rental
(any costs above the home teams own cost of rental shall be split equally between the two teams). Should
either team fail to appear for the match, a forfeit will be awarded and appropriate penalties applied (as
described herein).
Prior Knowledge of Need to Reschedule
If a team is aware in advance that it will be unable to play a regularly scheduled game, the game may be
rescheduled with three (3) weeks prior notice to the opposing team manager, Division Director, and Referee
Assignor. If the reschedule is requested by the visiting team, the home team has the right to ask the visiting
team to provide (and pay for) a field for the rescheduled game. Any rescheduling of the match must be
Rescheduling a Cancelled or Abandoned Game
In the event that a game must be rescheduled due to cancellation or abandonment, the rescheduling must be

Any referee or assistant referee who fails to arrive within fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled kick-off is
not entitled to a fee. In the absence of the referee, one of the assistant referees may assume the
responsibilities of referee and be entitled to the referee fee. If no referees are present fifteen minutes after
the scheduled kick-off, at the discretion of both of the opposing managers a referee or referees may be
appointed and the match played. Alternatively, the managers may mutually elect to re-schedule the match.

If within fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled kick-off time, but before the game commences, the referee
determines that a team is unable to play due to an insufficient number of eligible players, unsuitable uniforms,
inadequate player equipment, or unsuitable field preparation, the team will forfeit the match. The referee and
assistant referees are entitled to their game fees, to be paid in full by the forfeiting team. If neither team is
able to satisfy these conditions for play, then each team will pay its half of the referee fees and each receive a
forfeit. No match shall commence more than fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled kick-off time unless
mutually agreed to by both managers and the officials.
Forfeiture Penalties
A team forfeit in a NEFSL game shall result in an automatic two-point deduction. Additionally, a team forfeit in
a NEFSL game or a Cup game shall result in a fine of according to the following pay structure:
First Game: $50
Second Game: $100
Third Game: $200 + automatic one year probation if the team continues in the NEFSL.
Subsequent Matches: $200
Any team assessed three (3) forfeits, including Cup games, during one full season, shall be subject to
suspension or dismissal from the League.

If the start of the game is delayed (but in no event longer than fifteen (15) minutes) the home team may ask
the referee to shorten the half time break as necessary to complete the game on schedule. However, the
minimum halftime break shall not be less than five (5) minutes.

The consumption of alcoholic beverages before, during, or after a game is banned

Code of Conduct
No participant shall:
Physically attack any participant, official or spectator. This includes but is not limited to threatening to or
actually striking, shoving, kicking or otherwise touching or subjecting another person with physical contact in a
threatening or alarming manner.
Use obscene language or gestures, harassing, insulting, taunting or challenging language, racial, ethnic or
sexual slurs, or unsportsmanlike demonstrations whether towards another player or as an act of dissent
concerning an official’s decision.
Use unnecessary roughness or attempt to injure an opposing player during or after play.
Throw or cause to be deposited any unnecessary object onto the field of play.
Violate any applicable open container ordinance, or other state or local alcohol or drug laws, while at a sports
venue, or enter the field of play while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Display other unsportsmanlike conduct before or after games or events, or while at a sports venue during a
scheduled activity, game, match or event.



All League games including Cup games shall be played in accordance with the current FIFA (Federation
Internationale de Football Association) Laws of the Game, except as may be amended by the NEFSL By-Laws.

Free substitution will be allowed at goals, goal kicks, and half time. A team may also substitute during their
own throw-in and during the opposing team’s throw-in if the opposing team substitutes at that time. If play is
stopped due to injury or if a player receives a yellow card, the injured or carded player may be substituted and
the opposing team may elect to match this substitution.

Penalties for misconduct are as follows:
Player Penalty
For the purposes of this rule, no distinction is made between regular NEFSL games and Cup games.
Any player receiving a red card is suspended for the next game.
Any player receiving a red card for Violent Conduct or Serious Foul Play as formally noted in the Referee’s
Report is suspended for the next three (3) games and is subject to additional Executive Board disciplinary
action which may include further suspension or dismissal from the NEFSL.
Any player receiving a second red card in a season is suspended for the next three (3) games (except if the
second red card is for violent conduct in which case the additional suspension shall be for an additional three
(3) games for a total of six (6) games).
Any player receiving a third red card in a season is suspended for the next five (5) games and is subject to
additional Executive Board disciplinary action which may include further suspension or dismissal from the NEFSL
(except if the third red card is for violent conduct in which case the additional suspension shall be for an
additional three (3) games for a total of eight (8) games).
Suspensions in effect at the end of the season will be carried over and served at the start of the following
season. Changing teams will not void the suspension.
Any player receiving a red card who gives a false name or who refuses to leave the field will be dismissed from
the NEFSL.
Team Penalty
The number of red cards received by a team each full season during regular NEFSL games will be tallied, and
will affect the team’s standing in the NEFSL as described below. The first red card a team receives each season
in a Cup game will not be counted in this tally, but subsequent cards received in Cup games during that season
Any team receiving three (3) red cards will have the number of points equivalent to a win deducted from their
division standings.
For every additional red card received by a team, the number of points equivalent to a win will be deducted
from their division standings.
Any team receiving a total of five (5) red cards in a season will be subject to Executive Board disciplinary
action, which may include suspension or dismissal from the League.
In the event of a team brawl where the referee is unable to obtain the facts both teams will be issued at least
two red cards and a minimum fine of $200. Note: the Executive Board will determine if this law is pertinent to
a game but these are minimum repercussions. Furthermore, the Executive Board shall have the discretion to
assess penalties and sanctions in its sole discretion for acts by teams or team members that are not specifically
discussed elsewhere in the By-Laws.
Expulsion Penalty
Expulsion is defined as an order given by the referee to someone to leave the field of play and its surroundings,
including the sideline or substitutes’ bench, during a game. Someone who is expelled from a game may give
instructions to a chosen replacement before leaving the field of play and its surroundings but must not further
influence the game in any way.
If the expelled person is a registered player, the expulsion will count as an individual red card.
If the expelled person is not a registered player, the expulsion will count as a team red card. The expelled
person will be banned from the field of play, sideline, and substitutes’ bench for one (1) game and is subject to
additional Executive Board disciplinary action which may include further suspension, team fines, or team
dismissal from the NEFSL.

All game scores, number of red cards (including the name of the player(s) carded), and incidents will be
reported via the NEFSLwebsite or directly to the Secretary within 48 hours (including make-up games) by both
team managers. If a game is forfeited or re-scheduled both managers must still contact the Referee/Game Coordinator
by 8 p.m. on the day the game was originally scheduled to be played. Failure to submit a game report will result
in a twenty dollar ($20) fine.

A team may request a hearing for any action resulting from NEFSL activity. The hearing request must be
reported verbally to the Division Director and sent in writing to the President on the first business day following
the game’s end (determined by postmark) to be considered an official hearing request. A $200 fee payable to
the NEFSL must accompany all hearing requests. If the hearing request is upheld, this fee will be refunded. A
hearing request is considered to be upheld if the Hearings Committee changes any part of the original ruling.
The Hearings Committee ruling will be delivered no later than one week after receipt of the written request.
Red Card Protests
For hearing requests involving a red card, if the Hearings Committee has not made a ruling by the start time of
the first game in the player’s suspension period AND the request was received at least 48 hours before the start
time of the game, the suspended player may play in that game and any subsequent games until the Hearings
Committee makes its ruling. If the Hearings Committee subsequently upholds the suspension, the suspension
period recommences with the game which immediately follows the ruling.
Hearing Committee Appeals
A team may make a one-time appeal of a Hearings Committee ruling. Such appeals are allowed only when a
team believes the NEFSL By-Laws or the FIFA Laws of the Game were misapplied, or if significant additional
evidence relevant to the original hearing issue becomes available. Whenever possible, the appeal will be heard
by three different members of the Executive Board (who did not participate in the original hearing), subject to
maintaining three unaffected voting members. The Hearings Committee ruling appeal must be sent in writing to
the President within one week of the initial ruling, accompanied by a $75 fee payable to the NEFSL. If the
appeal is upheld, both this fee and the fee submitted with the original hearing request will be refunded. If still
unsatisfied with the ruling a team may appeal any NEFSL ruling to the FLORIDA STATE SOCCER

NEFSL games are officiated by one referee and two assistant referees.

Referees are requested to be at the game twenty (20) minutes before kick-off time to complete field and
equipment inspections prior to kick-off. If the field is not properly lined and equipped, the official may decide
not to play the game. If he is willing to play the game his comment should be noted on the Game Report and
both managers must agree.
Fifteen (15) minutes before kick-off the referee should inspect players for uniforms and shin guards and match
the identity of each player against the names listed on the Game Roster by checking a valid driving license,
passport, or some equivalent government-issued picture ID.

Referee evaluation data is collected via the score reporting form on the NEFSL website.

Compliance with the NEFSL By-Laws is mandatory and sanctions will be administered by the Executive Board in
their sole discretion.